Email Marketing Specialist

We can create custom templates within the Mailchimp drag and drop system to keep your brand looking consistent. Or take existing designs and roll them out in Mailchimp. We can also create autoresponders or set up landing pages to collect data of any kind.

Need A custom HTML Email template? We can build those too!

Mailchimp Templates

Custom templates to suit your brand. Easily update whenever you need to send EDM within the Mailchimp platform.

Email Autoresponders

Automate your brand campaigns with Autoresponders on sign ups for special offers, webinars, or more!

Landing Pages

We can create landing pages to capture data, organise events and more!

Website Form Integration

Build your database by integrating sign up forms on your website.

Custom HTML Templates

Need an old school HTML table! We can build them too!


8/44 Surrey Drive, Keilor East
(By appointment only)


PO Box 295
Highpoint City 3032

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